What is 3D-Lipo, and how does it work?


Celebrities and ordinary people all want a slim and appealing look. And one of the significant culprits spoiling it is the excess pounds accumulated on the many body parts. It may be a hereditary or lifestyle issue, but the best solution to get rid of it is 3D Lipo. From excess fat removal to reducing cellulite and tightening skin for the face and body, it is the most effective way to look young and beautiful. As an ultimate multi-technology platform, it enables therapists to reduces weight for people with an absolute perspective approach. 


Let us discuss 3D-lipo, a non-surgical approach to destroy fat cells to reduce body fat and tighten skin to look slim and gorgeous. 


What is 3D-Lipo?


Worldwide many people try hard to reduce the stubborn pounds added to their waists, thighs, underarms and many other parts. There are a few ways to do it, from hitting the gym to trying many diets. But unfortunately, many cannot continue it for long to only add more weight than before. Especially for those busy in their personal and professional life go to a point-of-no-return to become overweight or even obese. It is the reason that statistics confirm that one in three men and one in four women are overweight worldwide. Hence 3D Lipo is the most successful non-surgical treatment with four different options and methods. 


1.      Cavitation helps with inch loss by targeting fat pockets using ultrasound to rupture its cells to turn into the liquid to leave the body as waste

2.      Cryolipolysis is the freezing of cells using extreme cold conditions to destroy and dispose of them within a few weeks of treatment

3.      RF or radio frequency option is by selective heating of the skin tissues to contract the collagen fibers to produce new collagen to tighten the skin

4.      3D dermatology, along with RF, drains the unnecessary fat cells by the lymphatic system using unique vacuum suction and rollers to tighten body skin and reduce cellulite


How do 3D-Lipo works?


People wanting to remove excess fat in the body can opt for any of the four options of 3D-Lipo and should know how it works. And healthy lifestyle and habits can maintain the body weight and avoid adding fat to stay slim and fit. Each of the four methods takes less than an hour or a few hours with minimum downtime. The following are how a few of the four methods work. 

·        3D Cyro and 3D Shockwave froze the treatment area to destroy 20 to 40 percent fat cells in it to draw it by vacuum suction into the 3D Cryo handpiece to achieve better results

·        3D Body RF handpiece help to increase the fat cell temperature to 41 degrees centigrade to reach its deep and superficial layers to melt and remove them without any risk or damage to other body cells


Only expert doctors in the best clinic can offer 3D-Lipo non-surgical treatments to reduce fat cells to look youthful and beautiful. 

Source - https://headsetxn.com/what-is-3d-lipo-and-how-does-it-work/


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